吉姆•坎贝尔's light art installation illuminates the top of the Salesforce塔 every night.


Experience 3 light artists that redefine the night with their beautiful array of light art.

吉姆•坎贝尔, James Turrell and 利比利亚。 are some of the world’s most notable light artists, 贝博体彩app是他们许多令人惊叹的艺术作品的故乡. Whether you’re a longtime fan of light art or just interested in turning a regular evening into an 照明的冒险, learn more about these artists whose work is transforming 贝博体彩app into a citywide 光廊.


“I took an image of ocean waves moving and gradually slowed it down … over a 10-minute period it starts out completely representational and ends up purely abstract … leaving open the more primitive pathways to one’s brain.——吉姆·坎贝尔

(2007) 内心的日落:帕纳萨斯大道505号.加州大学贝博体彩app分校的桑德法院    

(2018) SoMa /耶尔巴布埃纳岛:米逊街415号.Salesforce塔

贝博体彩app的电子媒体艺术家 吉姆•坎贝尔 creates work that combines film, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and sculptural elements. 他对材料的选择往往很复杂, 他用它们来创造暗示和开放的意象. His exploration of the distinction between the analog world and its digital representation metaphorically parallels the difference between poetic understanding versus the mathematics of data.

而不是处理高清晰度的图像, the artist pushes the limits of perception and explores the line between representation and abstraction. 他让观众来填补空白, 让他们把他的作品个性化到一个不同寻常的程度.  

“碎片海镜”,安置在桑德的宫廷里, 加州大学, 贝博体彩app, 利用了太平洋波浪的动态图像, 从艺术品的正西点记录,以创建镜像. The low-resolution LED display is contained within a freestanding six-by-six-foot glass wall, 分散在花园里的七个玻璃立方体也有led, 每个都同步到显示网格的不同块. The movement within and between these scattered glass cubes creates the effect of the ocean waves going beyond the display into the garden area. 

"白天换黑夜" is the crowning achievement—literally—of the Salesforce塔. 在密西西比河以西最高的建筑上, Campbell has created a towering artwork that displays images and scenes captured around the city. It's all done at a scale and height that allows visitors to experience it from almost any neighborhood.

James Turrell

“I want to use light as this wonderful and magic elixir that we drink as Vitamin D through the skin — and I mean, we are literally light-eaters—my desire is to set up a situation … and let you see.——詹姆斯·特雷尔

(2005) 金门公园: Barbro Osher雕塑花园; 德扬博物馆

(2007) 中心市场:第七街90号. 在贝博体彩app联邦大厦米逊街

半个多世纪以来, James Turrell has worked with light and space to engage viewers with the limits and wonder of human perception. 在他的作品中,光和色彩达到了崇高的境界. From artworks on paper and holograms to immersive gallery installations and the monumental earthwork Roden Crater in Arizona’s Painted Desert, Turrell is fascinated with the perceptual mechanics of vision and how the manipulation of real and artificial light can play tricks on the mind and eye. 

The artist often cites the Parable of Plato’s Cave to introduce the notion that we are living in a reality of our own creation, subject to our human sensory limitations as well as contextual and cultural norms. 这在《贝博体彩》中表现得很明显 德扬博物馆 Babro Osher雕塑花园, 这是詹姆斯·特瑞尔(James Turrell)创作的80多幅《贝博体彩app》中的一幅,“天花板上有一个面向天空的开口的房间. 从“三宝”中观照天空的简单行为,“尤其是在黎明和黄昏, 揭示了我们内心是如何创造我们所看到的颜色的, 我们感知的现实. 同样在贝博体彩app, the artist created "Skygarden" within a three-story opening in the south facade of the 贝博体彩app Federal Building, 用霓虹灯作为他唯一的材料. 不像特瑞尔的其他作品, 观众可以从内部体验“空中花园”, 从没有, 从很远的地方. 特瑞尔利用了这些无数的有利位置, 为每个人创造不同的感知情境. 


“My work is focused on stripping systems down to their essence to better understand the underlying structure … I have to be there to work with the light and fine tune it to just the right level. 这就像给乐器调音一样.——利比利亚。

(2013) 内河码头: 贝博体彩app湾大桥西跨

(2012) 内河码头探索15号码头

(2019) 耶尔巴布埃纳岛:莫斯康中心人行天桥,霍华德街747号.

2016年2月, 利比利亚。为期两年的临时灯光雕塑, 《贝博体彩》," was installed permanently as a gift to the people of California and the world.  每天晚上从黄昏到黎明, 25,000 individually programmed LED lights in this iconic installation to transform the 贝博体彩app Bay Bridge into a monumental illuminated canvas. Known internationally for his light sculptures and site-specific architectural works, 这位艺术家精心策划了复杂的情节, 令人眼花缭乱的装置融合艺术, code, 还有最无形的媒介:光. Considered the most prominent light sculptor among his generation of light artists, his site-specific installations include "Multiverse" in the National Gallery of Art’s Concourse in Washington, D.C., and "Hive" for the Bleecker Street/Lafayette Street subway station in Manhattan. 他的作品被世界各大博物馆永久收藏. 

Villareal's light sculpture "巴基球" is currently installed in the public space on Pier 15 at the 探索. He is also one of three artists commissioned by The 贝博体彩app 艺术 Commission to create public artwork in conjunction with The Moscone Center Expansion Project.

“点云”耸立在霍华德街之上, 用一座人行天桥连接莫斯康中心的两侧. 它由50多个组成,000 color LEDs arranged in a three-dimensional display that glimmers over the heads of walkers on the bridge. 大约1,300 mirrored steel rods hang from the ceiling to support the LED matrix and produce an ephemeral optical effect.


Large-scale flowers glow in multicolor lights at Entwined, an 照亮科幻 exhibit.


海湾之城是一个令人难以置信的灯光艺术的闪闪发光的画廊. 发现超过60个装置,并了解他们的杰出创作者.



Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. 他在贝博体彩app生活了10多年,从事旅游工作 & 其中超过8个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too!